Everything about our paid plans.
Paid plans are new and we are going to enforce the usage limits from mid January (no, we won't do it on the first of January).
Until then you will receive a 402 - Payment Required response for every 100 request you make. Just a small warning!
Special Offer for existing users. If you are already using the API, please reach out to us via Email for a 50% discount. We will take a snapshot of the existing keys on the first of January.
We offer one simple plan for 80 USD per month, which allows you to do as many requests as you want (rate limiting applied). If you require a custom solution please contact us.
The payment is processed via Lemon Squeezy and payments are possible via Credit Card or Paypal. All your payment information are PCI-DSS compliance on the Lemon Squeezy and no such information are stored on our systems.
How to make a payment?
Create a API Key
You can create a free api key on our website. The key can be used for testing as well.
Make Payment
Once you obtained an api key you can make a payment and get unlimited requests.
I have questions!
Please feel free to reach out to use via Email or Telegram and we hope to answer all your questions.
Last updated